I have a question for any who read this. I’ve been working on my book for a long time now. I love talking about it. The same goes for working on it. When it comes to reading in my critique group, it scares the you know what out of me. Another fear I have come to feel lately is the fear of success. What if I get an agent who sees the value of publishing my book? There are so many what ifs. Is this common? Have any of you experienced this, or is it just me?
It would be good to hear from you.
Thank you ahead of time.
I thought I was almost fearless. OK. The first time with RAG was daunting; half a dozen strangers the first people to hear any of my writing. Was I any good? Did I have any hope? What if I was terrible? The above mentioned muscles tightened to a death grip.
But after that, it got way easier. Until I got back to New Zealand. A few people here have tried, in small ways, to cut me down to size. I ignore them. I prepared manuscripts, wrote lovely cover letters and launched myself into the local market.
And suddenly I hit the wall. I found my comfort zone and froze at the very edge of it. I wasn’t ready to have my book reviewed by the local papers and magazines. FEAR. A phone call from a friend nudged me part way over that line and I sent 100 pages and cover letter to a local TV morning show. Yet … I still find myself unable to contact reviewers. Shouldn’t I wait till I’m fully published? Till the current bugs are removed from the book?
Seems we all have a line we’re prepared to walk up to and put our noses over for a look … but that next step … PHEW!
Hi Russell,
Good to hear from you. I guess we all have our boxes, don’t we. The way I’ve always done things is, to quote Larry the Cable Guy “Get ‘er done”. Like the character Iain in your book, “Tough Justice” I have always accepted opportunities as they were presented to me. Fear is always a factor. Somehow I think it helps to say it outloud. So now I have my book “Not Too Late Forever” out to two agents. Time will tell if I am presented an opportunity. If not I will trudge on looking for other chances to break into the big bad world of print. Hope all is well with you. Break a pencil.
Happy Writing,