Last week I read an article about Kathryn Stockett, author of “The Help”, who was turned down 60 times before she found acceptance. Wow, that is an accomplishment in itself.
I understand rejection is part of the game we play as writers, but please let me have fewer than 60. Heck I hope for fewer than ten. Time will tell. My rejections to date make a small dent in that number. Still, I know that talent and ability are only part of the publishing equation. Luck and persistance count for just as much in the process.
Insecurity and uncertainty runs through the veins of most of us writers, even the greats. Those I follow on Twitter have made comments on their reactions, at times, to their own work. This gives me hope. Hope, not that I will get 60 rejections, but hope I will find that one agent who sees the diamond under the hard outer shell that I am chunking away at. Each writer knows they have value. That belief may be buried deep in some, but otherwise why do we continue to write?
It is our passion and our faith that what we write has meaning. Now all I have to do is prove my value to an agent and myself.
Jodi … I love your ambition and devotion.. keep it up, love ya
The best is yet to be. Love you too.