“What.” She turned to face him.
“You have more than voices to help us. Draw from inside. Stop Them.”
“Stop them.” A cackle sent a shiver through her.
“Chernbog, I will stop you,” Colli hissed.
“We’ll stop him.” Mary’s voice came from the right.
“Together,” Keleon added from her left.
Heat built and spread from Colli’s feet, up through her body. She felt Mary and Keleon take her hands. She drew strength from them.
“Sung?” she cried.
“I can’t go with you.” Sung’s voice faded. “The winning or losing of this battle is for the three of you. Remember. Together.” His last words vibrated through Colli.
“Co…Colli? Can… can we go?” Mary’s teeth clicked out the words.
“Here.” Colli let the warmth she had drawn from her sister and Keleon flow back to them. At their feet ice and snow began to melt.
“That won’t do you any good.” The same cackle from before taunted them. A layer of ice spread toward them. “The battle is mine to win. Not yours.”
“Move with me.” Colli pulled Keleon and Mary in the direction of the tall metal fence. Ice and snow crunched under their feet.
Colli could see the spires of the tall iron gate well enough to act as guide for the other two. Voices joined in her mind to cheer them on. A thick bank of snow formed a barrier on the roadway.
“Remember.” Colli felt the combined effort of Sung, Illianna and Jovan in the single word.
“Remember what?” she asked. There was no answer.
“How are we going to get inside?” Mary whimpered.
“We are going to move forward. Don’t let go of my hand.” Colli’s words carried more confidence than she felt.
Keleon squeezed the one he held. “We can do it.”
“Yes. Stay close.” Colli started forward. At the wall of snow she didn’t slow down. Instead when she started to climb over it, heat spread before her. The snow melted, leaving a path through the center wide enough for them to enter single file.
“Is it a trap?” Mary pulled back.
“Maybe.” Colli answered without stopping. “But if it is we need to meet it head on. The Them Sung spoke of are pressing in on Trevan.” A tiny tickle of confirmation raced along the base of Colli’s neck in a shiver. “Mary. You have to go first. Don’t let go, but keep moving, no matter what.”
“Sure.” Mary took a deep breath.
Fear rattled through the word.
Halfway through, it began to snow again. Hard icy hail pounded down on them. They kept going. All three pulled together, sharing with each other strength needed to continue.
The solid wall of the stone fortress was the only thing that stood between them and the small child they’d pledged to help.
“You won’t get in.” Chernbog’s voice mocked.
Colli pushed on, letting go of Keleon and Mary’s’ hands. They moved to form a wall behind her.
“Don’t worry.” Mary’s voice, once full of fear and indecisiveness now resonated with deep emotion and passion.
Before Colli had time to appreciate the change in her sister, the shadows grew heavy. They spread to surround and separate her from the others. The entry, now wide and bright, drew her with the promise of protection.
The walls of the fortress crackled when lightning hit the ground. Power arched and bounced against the stony surface. A ragging torrent replaced the beating force of snow and ice.
that is a fantastic story! congratulations on walking through those doors of opportunity!