I woke up this morning with the feeling that I need to give up on the dream of getting my book published. I have no idea if it is something anyone could even wade half way through. Maybe the rejections I’ve received from agents are right. Maybe some former members of my writers’ group are right.
Sure, I’ve strung together over 100k words under one title. Is it well enough done, that a large number of people will pay to read it? At this point I can only wish. You notice I didn’t use the word hope. I am running low on that at this point.
There is one more writers’ conference in my future. Whether it will be the last one, only time will tell. Finances are predicting that, but there are so many benefits in the conferences.
One thing is certain, I will never give up on my writing. Even if I do it for only me, I will continue working on my books. That alone is amazing. So maybe I do have hope.