I thought the previous days were incredible.
Then this day happened. Great keynote at opening, then on to a pitch of my book to Linda Epstein. She was so nice. I was so nervous. She got me talking about my book and my characters. Then… Oh My Gosh!!! She is only making requests for full manuscripts. She wants to look at mine. Wow!
The rest of the day was left to enjoy the conference and new friends. Even got to say hello to friends made at previous conferences.
The wrap up with the traditional song, led by Jack Whyte, brought the dinner to a close, but it was not an end to the evening.
There was supposed to be a writers’ group meeting. Better than that, we sat around the table and shared with each other. This really was a great way to wrap things up.
There is a partial day left. I’m a little nervous about taking transit back to the airport.
Next year I’m going to give myself more time after the conference.