We all face difficulties in life, but somehow we need to get through them. Writing has always been the thing that has made a huge difference for me. Times when I didn’t have a solution for what ever life has thrown at me, I have been able to sit down and write. I guess it helped to dive into a story about someone else’s troubles.
In the past I did it long hand, with pen and paper. I’m so glad to now do it on my computer. Still, sometimes I’ll bring out the hand materials and scribble words. If you saw my penmanship, you would agree about my scribbling.
This week I am faced with another decision. I need to organize things in my life. There was a brief time, last night when I determined it was time to give up on writing. This morning I realize that is not possible. I may have to pass up the opportunity to travel and enjoy the wonderful workshops of the writers’ conferences I have been lucky enough to participate in over the past years, but I need to continue my writing.
With that said, I have done enough whining. Many others have had much bigger ordeals to face. It’s time to get back to writing. Maybe if I just dive back into the current story I am working on, I can forget some of my troubles, at least for a few hours.
Before I bring this to a conclusion, I have one wish for any one reading this. Whatever your creative passion is, find time for it. It may never bring you financial reward, but there is more value than that. It is something you own. Only you control what you create. Treasure it. Make the best of the experience.
Happy writing and creating, Jodi