If this is good interesting or bad interesting is yet to be seen.
The first of June and it’s time for me to make some decisions. I used to believe that my writing would be an answer that would resolve many problems. It is my passion, but it is not the solution. So now, back to what I’ve resolved to do.
First decision is that I am unable to go to the Surrey International Writers’ Conference this year. It’s not something I choose. I’d much rather repeat opportunities of the past, but finances prohibit it. So one thing I need to do now is resolve this dilemma, in order to participate next year. The answer I have come up with is a part-time job. It needs to supplement the job I have now.
Well that decision made I need to get some applications out. Hopefully the hours I am available will fit into someone’s schedule.
Another decision, and to me the most important, I will continue to write and edit. One of the stories I started with CampNaNoWriMo in April is giving me an opportunity with new characters. I am hoping it is something I can polish well enough to do better in the next writing contest. At the very least it will give me another story to introduce on my webpage. Josephine’s story continues to grow.
Well, I have faced some hard facts. Now it’s time for me to get back to work. I hope you enjoyed the last story. I still need feedback that I can use to improve my writing.
Thank you for taking the time to read this.
Happy reading and writing, Jodi