“You….It’s your fault.” The ghostly figure raised an emaciated hand. A boney finger pointed adding accusation to the words.
“Ssssssh,” voices chorused with fear.
Sophie tried to back out of the room, but she found her avenue of retreat blocked. The dog, somehow she knew it was a Basenji, the pet of the pharos, pressed his mussel into her back.
It is too late to leave now. The words grew in Sophie’s mind. Throughout the room heads nodded agreement.
“How did you get here?” Sophie’s words bounced against the ceiling expressing her fear better than any sentence she could form.
How does not matter. What matters is that you have come to rescue them.
“Re…rescue? How? I can’t.” Besides, she didn’t want to.
The figures had all turned toward Sophie. They formed a circle with no escape.
It is not them you need fear. The Basenji joined the circle and faced her.
Silence descended with the whoosh of the elevator door opening.
“Hey, where are you?” Jim called out.
Don’t answer him. Multiple voices had turned to one single one that echoed in her brain. He wants to take you away from us.
“Sophie? Where are you?” Jim’s voice grew louder getting closer. “You’re shift’s half over, and you haven’t gotten a tenth of your work done. Sophie?” The voice trailed off. Jim must be headed for the bathrooms.
“He knows I’m here,” Sophie’s whisper was as quiet as she could make it, but she knew everyone could hear her. Everyone except Jim, at least she hoped he couldn’t.
You have to go out now. Tomorrow come back and we shall start the plan.
“The plan?” Sophie had always feared conflict.
“That’s why you have me. It is meant to be.” Eihpos, unable to contain hr excitement, did a little dance.
“Why me?” Sophie wanted to run and hide like she always had before. Why she didn’t mystified her.
Eihpos linked her arm through Sophie’s. “You just don’t understand yet how strong you are. That’s why you have me.”
“Sophie. Come on. Stop playing games.” Jim’s voice grew louder with irritation. “If you want to keep…”
“I’m here.” Sophie felt herself pushed into the hallway.
Jim stood there. “I’m really getting tired of your games. If you don’t want to work why don’t you stop wasting everyone’s time?” he growled.
It was bad enough that he always had to be mean about something, but Sophie was really tired that he didn’t give her any credit. “Did you check the bathrooms?” she asked.
“And were they clean?”
“Then what’s the problem?” She grabbed the cart and headed for the elevator, her temper taking control.