It’s been quite a week. Last Sunday I spent the whole curled up on the couch. I stayed there, pretty much for the next two days. as well Here in Southern Oregon, we have the flu going around, through the schools and elsewhere. Sadly, I found it. This helped put me behind on my editing and on my posts.
Now it is time to dig in and concentrate to catch up on my writing. This being said, I will get two installments of “Misty’s Magical Shed” posted this week. Luckily I am more than that far ahead on the installments that I have written.
For now, I will get back to work on the edit of my book. Later this evening, once I make sure that I have gone through the suggestions of my writers’ group, I will post the first, and tomorrow, I will post the second.
Not sure if this will make up for being so slack on the posts, but for now it is the best I can do.
Sincerely, Jodi