I finally got my book to the place it needed to be for the current submission. There has been a lot of polishing since I started sending it off. Strange, but some people have an instinct that their book is good. This is my best effort so far, but is it good enough? There have been rejections. Kind as they have been, they are still rejections. Well, it is not in my hands now. The derision is not mine to make.
Now to get to work on other projects. “Naldo Calls”, the second book in the series is presenting me with a new creative challenge. In the past I would have said that is the best part of the process. Surprise, it is only part of it. The edit and reedit is just as incredible. If you are a writer, relax, enjoy the whole process. That would include submission and rejection. I hope that now includes acceptance.
All things considered, I am a writer.