Today it’s supposed to snow off and on into tomorrow. The chill keeps me inside and justifies even more the time I spend at the computer. It’s not that I need the justification or excuse. It does, after all, add a wonderful dimension to my world.
As I travel on through this life, I find some amazing experiences. The greatest of these is my writing. Granted, at this point, I am not finding much success at attempts to find an agent. This has always been the secondary goal of my writing career. This may sound a little off, however writing has always been and always will be primary.
Strange as it might sound. And I must admit that I would never have believed the joy I get out of the edit. As I build on my current story, “Misty’s Magical Shed”, I find going through feedback This has happened with each edit of the book, “Not Too Late Forever” (NTLF) as well.
I entered into Writers’ Digest Short Short Story Contest. Even though I did not place, this story gave me more in depth understanding of the main character in NTLF. I feel another edit of the book coming on.
For now and at least this next month, or two, I will work on “Misty’s Magical Shed”. Right now, I need this escape. Someday I hope you enjoy reading my stories as much as I enjoy writing and tweaking them.
Sincerest regards,