Over the years, I have learned so much from the different writers’ conferences that I have attended. I started, thanks to a dear friend, Joy Hiler, going to the Maui Writers Conference. That particular one, unfortunately is now defunct. When it was decided to close it down, I determined to find another. I found two.
The first, The Surrey International Writers Conference, has given me opportunity to join a tribe. What an amazing group of writers, agents and editors. I have attended this conference four times and hope to attend again this year.
The second, The San Francisco Writers Conference again gave me many opportunities to learn and polish my craft. Besides the ambiance of the beautiful city by the bay, I had a chance to attend workshops and pitch to agents. This one, I have attended twice and would go back often, if circumstances allowed.
About four years ago I discovered a real gem of a writers conference in my own backyard, Eugene, Oregon. This conference, Wordcrafters, offers a real chance to rub elbows with and grow members of my tribe. It’s smaller than the other two, but for me is more relaxing. I’ve attended it twice and hope to again, in the not too distant future.
All in all, there are so many opportunities to work on my writing. I’ll share more with you as I go along.
Respectfully submitted,