My first day at #Siwc17 is complete. Interesting things happened, not all joyful. For the first time in a pitch, I did not get asked to submit. This affirmed my thoughts to turn to self-publishing.
I don’t want to diminish my experience with Angela Ackerman and my blue pencil. Brilliant suggestions have motivated me to rework the beginning of my book. A new beginning than I had originally intended, it introduces the antagonist of my story. It obviously needs more work, but I’m excited to do it. Characters who have multiple dimension, are more believable. That is my purpose in this scene, but I need to do a better job of showing that he has a reason for seeking revenge. This information will need to percolate in my brain for a while.
Today, Saturday, I’ll attended a workshop on beginner self-publishers. I’m not sure exactly what it’s all about, but I need to learn more. One of the first things that I will need to plan to do, when I return home, is to find an editor who I can work with. This will take some time for more than one reason. First I need to pull together some funds to pay for it. Second, I need to find an editor who wants to work with me, and who I am comfortable working with. I have no doubt that there is a lot of work to be done.
In the meantime I have four workshop sessions to attend. Besides the “Self-Publishing Virgins”, this morning I will attend ‘Rejected but Not Denied”. These, as with all the other workshops I attend here at #siwc17, should give me an amazing amount of information with which to work.
I am at a turning point with my writing. My purpose now is to get my 1st book out for people to read. There are definite steps to fulfill this goal. It will take work and dedication, but I have that. Time to get out there, take control and learn what my next steps will be.
Keep the coffee flowing.
Respectfully submitted,