I have thought many times about giving up on my book “Not Too Late Forever”. There are those who tell me that I need to either give up on it, or cut it up and throw half of it out. Unfortunately, or maybe fortunately I am not able to do that. So many of the characters feel like friends and family. I can count on them when I need to build on their world. They stand together and believe on what they do. That’s something I’ve had to learn over the years. It’s much easier than hiding away from everything and everyone.
Once I took the Meyers Briggs personality test. I came to rest a tiny shade into the extrovert category. Since then I’ve had great opportunities to participate in many ways in my community. From serving on the local Chamber of Commerce Board to The Josephine Historical Society and with the local March of Dimes. All of it’s all been a wonderful experience. I’ve made many friends. The support I get for my writing is astounding. I just hope that, some day soon, I will prove the value of my writing to them and repay the confidence they’ve shown in me.
Each time I think of giving up on submitting, something happens to remind me of the support I’ve been given over the years. It seems that about when I get as low as I can, because of a comment, or lack of one about my writing, that one of my friends will ask, “Have you gotten published yet?” Or, “I’m waiting to buy that book”. With either of these comments, how can I give up on my writing, or rather the publishing of my writing? Well, I may be one of those who gets published after I die. If that be the case, I better get busy and finish some of the stories I’ve got started. That way there’ll be lots for the editor who sees my value to work on.
With that in mind, I better get back to work. Right now I’m building on the first draft of “Misty’s Magical Shed”. Next week I’m going to start another edit of “Not Too Late Forever” It’s complete, just needs a good strong edit. I’m going to give it a soft one until I find the right editor.
Keep the coffee flowing.
Respectfully submitted,