The past two terms at the local community College, RCC, I’ve been playing pickleball on Monday and Wednesday nights. Because of this, I’ve been a real slacker on working on “The Creative Hour”. Well, those school terms are complete, so here I am at Starbucks, spending time on my creative passion.
This week I’m back to working on a scene of “Misty’s Magical Shed. Tonight I need to work on a scene that costs a character his life. Sad, it’s because a main character can’t fully understand the need to follow through and use what he’s been taught.
I’ve been working on research, but not really putting in as much effort as I should on my writing. Well, that needs to stop. Hopefully next week I will continue with the story on a different scene.
I invite you all to join me every Wednesday from 7:00pm until 8:00pm to dedicate one hour to your passion.
For now I’m going to get back to my writing. Let me know how you did.
Keep the coffee flowing.
Respectfully submitted.